My name is Clare-Rose Trevelyan ... And I reckon children are natural philosophers.

Hi, I'm Clare-Rose Trevelyan. I regard myself as someone who talks too much. I'm a mother... so, I'm annoying. I like mysteries and also like wearing costumes and watching infuriated people on the phone to their internet service provider.

I’ve written nine and a half books for kids (see library) and I’ve been teaching and doing magic tricks for kids my whole life. I’m fascinated by the universe and I believe in preserving the way children naturally think. By this I mean, children are natural philosophers. They ask big questions and do not slather the wonder of nonsense in taught logic as often as we do. They think limitlessly, and they are closer to the other side (non-existing) than adults are, so I trust their feelings immensely.


As a mum, there is no place better for me than our kitchen table. Food, wine and endless questions that arise from this masterpiece we call life. Nonsensical questions and conversations that leave us ending our days 29 times more confused than when we started it…like life itself I suppose.

THIS IS AN AGE-OLD PRACTICE OF WONDERING OUT LOUD ABOUT LIFE. Some called it philosophy, originally a word from ancient Greeks - Philo (the love of) Sophia  (wisdom). You can call it what you want…

Some ‘philosophy for kids’ stuff can get pretty dogmatic,… perhaps I will get too dogmatic as well without realising it? I hope not. Anyway, you know, the type of philosophy books that are FULL of ‘wisdom’ but eventuate into some well-intentioned but lady-bird blinkingly deathly boring instruction manuals for a tranquil (aka dull) life? I mean, I agree with what is written inside them, like: ‘be kind’ but somehow they numb the strangely shaped shadows that dapple the days, and make meaning mesmerising.

For me, surely the love of wisdom is not just the wisdom but the love of the absolute mayhem we went through to get there? And LOVE even in itself is a big problem. It was certainly my problem. It still is. LOVE is exactly what started imagining THE EVERYTHING-WORLD THEME PARK. See, I LOVE life so much I never want it to end. This indeed is a big problem.

What's Everything-World?

EVERYTHING-WORLD is a place inside your head for wondering about ideas like... what if humans were once aliens from another world? What if our stories could be so powerful that they created world peace? What if angels danced under our eyelids and so on…

EVERYTHING-WORLD will eventually become a real-life theme park (if I find a billionaire who likes this idea enough -  if that’s you, DM ME NOW).

Explore Everything-World

A Theme Park Of The Mind 

EVERYTHING-WORLD is also currently being tracked through children's journals. For instance, I keep journals with my children. The theme park reveals itself as a way of sharing a range of questions with them in the safest and most imaginative ways.

I've created resources for parents and kids’ journals with accompanying videos, creatures, books and activities.

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As we venture through the Bumper Cars of Everyone, The Mirror-Maze of Ourselves, The Lake of Meaning, The Ghost Train of Change, The Slippery Slide of Disappointment, Healing Mountain, The Wonder Wheel of Contradiction, The Rollercoaster of Social Order and much, much, more we hope that you will enjoy the wild ride of your children's imaginations around your own kitchen table.

The rides of the theme park all relate to deep concepts about life, and each ride is based upon a book I have written and illustrated with my team.